Dashboard Yellow Taxi Trip
The New York Yellow Taxi service is an iconic symbol of the city's transportation system, providing millions of rides to passengers every year. With the rise of ride-hailing services and changing transportation habits, it is essential to analyze the performance of the traditional taxi industry to identify areas of improvement and opportunities for growth. This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the New York Yellow Taxi service's performance in 2019, providing insights into key metrics, trends, and patterns.
Problem Statement
The New York Yellow Taxi service faces increasing competition from ride-hailing services, leading to a decline in market share and revenue. To remain competitive, it is crucial to understand the current state of the industry, identify areas of improvement, and develop strategies to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the overall passenger experience. The lack of data-driven insights into the taxi industry's performance hinders the development of effective solutions to address these challenges.
- Total trips during 2019 reached 84.4 billion
- Total Distance in 2019 reached 255.2 billion
- Total Passengers in 2019 reached 131.2 billion
- Total revenue in 2019 reached 1.6 billion
- The average fare is 13.5k, while the maximum is 943.3k
- The longest decline occurred for three consecutive months starting from May to August
- The longest increase occurred during the two months from August to October.
- For a significant decrease occurred from January to February
- For a significant increase occurred in February to March
- Peak hours occur at 11 PM - 8 AM with the highest peak at 6 PM
- For the type of payment used the most are credit cards with a percentage of 71.8% and cash of 27.1%
- Meanwhile, for a comparison of payment types with additional income, it can be seen that the credit card type of additional income is dominated by tip_amount, while other types are dominated by extra
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